On leaving school I trained as a nurse and took courses in orthopaedic and coronary care as well as spinal injury nursing. I worked on the spinal injuries unit at Stoke Mandeville Hospital for some years, and have also enjoyed working in the community and residential care homes.
My most insightful role took place at a leading disability charity, where I spent 10 years advising individuals on how best to manage and seek help for a range of physical and emotional health needs. During this time I gained a good insight into the daily challenges faced by people living with varying degrees of disability.
My aim is to empower people with the tools and knowledge they need to age well with their disability.
Having given many talks and presentations covering the health and social impact of ageing with a disability to groups including people living with disability, carers, healthcare professionals and legal representatives.
I regularly write articles on many aspects of ageing which are included in magazines and websites.
Currently a member of an ageing well working group for a leading European charity.