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Help and advice is offered in various ways including group presentations, fact sheets, individual action plans, client one to one.

Unpaid Carers/Family Members

I can support unpaid carers who may be feeling the effects of ageing themselves, and may not be able to assist their disabled partner/relative as they once did.

Healthcare Professionals

If you work as a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, nurse or medical practitioner, I can advise you about the health and social impact of ageing with a disability and long-term condition.

Corporate & Legal Sectors

If you work for a charity I can talk to staff about how ageing affects them. If you are a solicitor working with clients who have acquired life changing injuries I can talk to you about the health and social impact of ageing with a devastating injury.

More people than ever are now living with a chronic illness or acquired life-changing disability, with the onset of such conditions occurring at any age.

Progress So Far

Fortunately, many disabled people now have a normal, or near normal life expectancy, due to medical advances such as antibiotics and surgical techniques, as well as improved nursing care and an increase in the support available in the community.

Making Adjustments

As people age with a chronic illness or disability they will need to make adjustments to their daily routine. For some the physical effects of their condition may start before their middle years, so thinking about what lies ahead can significantly help delay or reduce the degree to which related problems might affect them in the future.

Not all chronic illness and disability is obvious and as such people feel their physical problems are invisible to the outside world. This can result in misunderstandings when out and about, especially when using public transport and public spaces.

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Get In Touch

    • Living with a chronic illness or disability can be challenging for partners, family members and friends, and they may need support at times themselves. There may also be psychological and relationship challenges. Equally, financial and social issues may require attention.
      Support For Carers
    • Being aware of and seeking the help of the appropriate healthcare professionals, particularly your GP and Community Nurses is important in preventing any potential problems from getting out of control; sourcing other relevant support networks may also be helpful.
      Get The Right Help